I International Forum
"Sport as a Tool for Social Transformation"

Presentation of the ISSOK Model



The Forum will be part of the 30th FIEP World, 14th FIEP European & 2nd FIEP Catalan Congress pre-conference. The objective is to discuss the transmission of values ​​through sport, by means of a method that can be extrapolated to other areas. Therefore, we will present 3 consecutive work tables where national and international speakers will participate interacting with the attending public. The main purpose is to create an enjoyable event where participants can acquire information, and shared experiences.

The Forum is structured in a double sessions being presented in the morning and the afternoon. After a detailed presentation of the ISSOK Method, which will serve as a framework for the event, we will analyze successful experiences developed around the world, in which precisely the ISSOK Method has been the protagonist. The ISSOK Method draws fundamentally on sources such as Hellison’s Responsibility Model (TPSR), the Personal and Social Responsibility Program (PRPS) of Escartí, Pascual and Gutiérrez,

the School of Culture of Peace of the UAB, Critical Theory in Human Rights of Joaquin Herrera Flores and the pedagogical perspectives of Paulo Freire. These sources are the backbone of the ISSOK Method. All these work tables will be moderated by people with extensive experience in the field and will draw knowledge from professionals, from different sectors, who have played a leading role in the implementation of the methodology. These professionals will be able to explain, in first person, their experiences in implementing the methodology. In the same way, the work tables will conclude with contributions from all the attendees.

Finally, the Forum will close with a final work table that will endeavor to find the common denominator in all of the contributions presented throughout the day. The purpose of this final work table will be to obtain useful conclusions for the participating public. This is a unique opportunity in the international arena to share, evaluate, and deepen the usage of sport as a powerful instrument to intervene, as a transforming element, in the current social environment.


9:00 to 10:00 am

Registration and accreditations

10:00 am to 10:30 am

Inaugural Ceremony

10:30 am to 11:15 am

Transformar a través del deporte y el liderazgo. Modelo ISSOK
(Transform through sport and leadership. ISSOK Model)

A paradigm shift in sports.

11:15 am to 12:15 am

First table: “Practical experiences beyond school hours”

Moderate: Carles Meilan, President Fundació CET10.

  • Centro de Desarrollo Social San Juan de Tepepan (Ciutat de Mèxico). Ligia Torres, Director FUCODEP.
  • Colonia Alianza Real (Nuevo León, Mèxic). Mario Niebla, Sports Director Escobedo.
  • “Temps de Joc”(Barcelona). Alexánder Hernández, Coordinator of Fundació per a l’Esport i l’Educació de Barcelona.
12:15 am to 12:45 am

Coffee break

12:45 am to 1:00 pm


“Créixer amb el Convivim” (Grow up with the “Convivim”). Fundació per l’Esport i l’Educació de Barcelona (FEEB)

1:00 pm

Second table. “Practical experience during school hours”

Moderate: Montse Vergé, Vice president El Consell .

  • Public School Rei en Jaume (Valencia). Salvador Tarin, Director.
  • Fé y Alegría  Foundation(Guatemala). Karen Avedaño, Subdirectora General Eje Educación Popular. Fundación Educativa Fe y Alegria.
  • Formación Educativa y Muscial A.C. Escuela de Educación Básica (Nuevo León, México). Adrián Bolaños, Director.
2:15 pm

Lunch break

4:00 pm

Congress Presentation: Sport and International Cooperation

  • Sr. Manel Vila i Motlló. Development Cooperation General Director.
4:15 pm

Movie “Are you Volleyball?” Mohammad Bakhshi (Rayanmehr. Irán) Winner of the Àmfora Award Barcelona Sports Film Festival 2018

4:30 pm

Third table: “Experiences beyond the sports environment”

Moderate: Roser Fernández, ISSO Cientific Director.

  • Comprehensive project Ciudad de Escobedo (Nuevo León, Mexico) Dr. Eloy Gerardo Garza Obregón, Doctor specialized in surgeon and obstetrics 
  • Positive leadership in companies. RSCreativa (Murcia). Vanesa Soler Ferrería, Director.
  • Positive leadership. ONG Canat (Centro de Apoyo a Niños/as Adolescentes Trabajadores)(Piura, Perú). Gabriela Renteria, Director
5:15 pm

Final round table: “Looks for the future”

Moderate: Jaume Mora, ‘El Consell President & Roser Fernández, ISSO Cientific Director

Participants: Dr. Eloy Gerardo Garza Obregón, Vanesa Soler, Gabriela Rentería, Domingo Blázquez (Red Global Educación Física y Deporte), Albert Batalla (UB), Enric Sebastiani (FIEP).

6:00 pm

Presentation of the book: Transformar a través del deporte y el liderazgo. Modelo ISSOK
(Transform through sport and leadership. ISSOK Model)

6:30 pm

Closing and Introduction II Forum

7:00 pm

Delivery of diplomas