I International Forum
"Sport as a Tool for Social Transformation"
Presentation of the ISSOK Model

Karen Avedaño
Passionate educator with a long background, is focused on vulnerable contexts to provide quality education to the poorest. Certified as an Educational Coach and Master degree in Education and Learning. Actually works as the Assistant Subdirector of Fe y Alegría Guatemalan foundation. She has experience in support, management, training and school and university teaching. She is also co-author of the book Coaching para el liderazgo positivo (USAID, Guatemala, 2013).

Albert Batalla
Graduate in Physical Education, postgraduate in Sport Psychology and Education Sciences Doctor. He works as a qualified Profesor at the Universitat de Barcelona and is a Former Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training in the same university. Batalla has written diferent articles and books of national and international character. He has been funded in some of its research projects and has directed four doctoral theses. Moreover, he has intervened in different conferences, courses, seminars and workshops held in some universities and higher education centers located in Spain, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Perú and Ecuador. Batalla is also a former athlete in the triple jump discipline and former high-performance core trainer in horizontal jumps at the Residencia Joaquim Blume in Barcelona.

Domingo Blázquez
"Maitrise and D.E.A." in "Sociologie Fondamentale" by the Université Denis Diderot (París), Bachelor in Physical Education by the INEF of Madrid (the Poytechnic University), Master in Athletics by INEF Madrid, PhD in Philosophy and Education Sciences from the Universitat de Barcelona and Thulin FIEP Europe Award 2011. He works as a Profesor of the INEFC in Barcelona and is a tenured lecturer of Physical Education and Sport Didactics. Also Director of the INEFC Global since 2009, he teaches at some primary and secondary education centers. Blázquez is the author of several publications and has an extensive experience as a participant in conferences, courses, seminars and workshops nationally and internationally.

Adrián Bolaños
Graduate in Economics from the UANL (Mexico), he has postgraduate studies from Economics Department of the University of London, the University of California, Los Ángeles (UCLA) and the ITESM in Mexico. Currently, he is a teacher at the UANL and the ITESM. During the last 25 years he has been working as a director in Educational and Musical Education. Interested in children and teenage training, he took the Master's Degree in Educational Processes at the Universidad Iberoamericana: an institution where is taking a PhD in Social Processes regarding Positive Development through Sports.

Roser Fernández
Graduate in Sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Postgraduate in Development Cooperation Global Strategies from Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) of Seville and Master in Human Rights, Interculturality and Development from the same university. She is currently a PhD candidate in the Political and Legal Sciences of the UPO program. Fernández is the Director of the International Sociological Sport Observatory and is a member of both the TPSR Alliance international network and the Instituto de Derechos Humanos Joaquín Herrera Flores (Brazil and Sevilla). Founder of ISSOK Model.

Doctor specialized in surgeon and obstetrics by the Instituto Ciencias de la Salud with some certifications and diplomas for more than 30 years. Subrogated Health Services Head for workers of the state of Nuevo León. Master in Public Administration specialized in Human Resources by the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León and High Municipal Administration by the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Nuevo León). Dr. Garza has been a public servant in different dependencies for 27 years. Currently, is the Social Development Secretary of Ciudad General Escobedo (Nuevo León) and remains active in private medicine.

Alexander Hernández
Degree in Social Communication from the Universidad Cecilio Acosta (Maracaibo, Venezuela), Master in Communication and Expressive Languages in the educational practice by the Universitat de Barcelona, Master in Strategic Communication in the risk society by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona) and PhD in Anthropology and Communication in the same university. He is currently a professor in the Communication Studies Department at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona) and is the Coordinator of the Temps de Joc Project at the Fundació per a l'Esport i l'Educació de Barcelona (FEEB).

Carles Meilan
Bachelor in pedagogy from the Universitat de Barcelona, Master specialized in Physical Education, Master in conflict resolution from the Universitat Ramon Llull and Master in social economy and management from ESAL. President and founding partner of Fundació CET10, CEO of sport, fitness and leisure companies. Expert group member of the Consejo Superior de Deportes in the development of the "Plan integral para la actividad física y el deporte" and member of the Consell Municipal de l'Esport de Barcelona.

Jaume Mora
President of the Consell de l’Esport Escolar de Barcelona, President and founder of the Fundació per l’Esport i l’Educació de Barcelona, Vice President of the NGO Associació per al Desenvolupament de la Infància d’Àfrica and Executive President and Founder of the International Sociological Sport Observatory. Has been part of organizing committees in national and international events (Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games, Eurojamboree 1997, international school sports days in Barcelona) and has participed in numerous conferences on school sports. Vocational writer, has published three books. Founder of the ISSOK Model.

Mario Niebla
Degree in Sports Management from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, has an extensive experience in this field. He has been the Sports Director of the EducarUno Foundation (Mexico), Director of Special Olympics in Nuevo León and the North Section Director of the FUCODEP Foundation. Currently, he is the Sports Director of the municipality of Escobedo.

Gabriela Renteria
Executive director and member of Canat's partners assembly in Piura (Perú), Renteria has been working in this institution for the past 19 years. She has a background of 30 years of voluntary work promoting and defending human rights in situations of extreme poverty and vulnerability treating with people affected by mental disabilities that have been abandoned, young people deprived of liberty, persons with HIV, migrant women exploited for work purposes and also children at risk living in extreme poverty.

Enric Sebastiani
Doctor in Physical Education and Sports Science (Universitat Ramon Llull), Bachelor of Physical Education (Universitat de Barcelona), Master’s Degree in Psychopedagogical Counseling (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) and Attention to Diversity Specialist (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). He is also the Vice President of the Fédération Internationale d’Education Physique (FIEP) in Europe. Likewise, Sebastiani works as a Profesor of Physical Education Didactics in Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull. Has received two COPLEFC Awards (1998 and 1999), an Águila de Oro in the FIEP of Mexico (2010), a Thullin Award FIEP Europe (2014) and a Guardó de l’Esport de la Fundació Catalana de l’Esport (2016). Moreover, he has written several publications on physical education and sports teaching and is actually a lecturer in national and international congresses.

Vanesa Soler
Founder and Director of RSCreativa. Corporate Social Responsability Business Advisor. Degree in Public Relations from the Universidad Católica de Murcia specialized in corporate events management and institutional communication. She has organized and participated in corporate social responsability conferences and workshops. Expert in volunteering, high social impact events and responsible projects that allow companies to consciously and strategically manage their CSR, focused on generating equal opportunities and synergies between the business and social sectors for the common good. Also Certified in SME Management and Leadership.

Salvador Tarin
Physical Education Specialist, Master in Specific Didactics from Universidad de Valencia and Doctoral student in the Specific Didactics of the UV program. He has implemented positive development programs and has trained teachers in PRPS.
Tarín is currently the Director of Rei en Jaume de Tavernes Blanques Valencian public school. He also works as a teacher in this center, integrating the personal and social responsability development within the educational curriculum. Likewise, is a consultant of the International Sociological Sport Observatory and a member of the TPSR Alliance international network.

Ligia Esther Torres
Master in Psychology, has been a teacher at public and private universities in the Valley of Mexico. Currently, she is an academic of the Distance Education System of the Psychology Degree of the UNAM. In recent years, also as a guest lecturer of the Psychology Master's Program with Residency in Systemic Family Therapy by the same university. For 3 years has been collaborating with the Convivimos Deportivamente's Foundation in Mexico. Currently, is the Director of this institution.

Montse Verge
Degree in Philosophy from the Universitat de Barcelona, Postgraduate in Mediation from the Institut Superior d'Estudis Psicològics (Barcelona), Swimming Trainer, Teacher and Children's Sports Technical, Directors Board Vice President of the Consell de l'Esport Escolar de Barcelona, Vice President of the Sports and Education Board of El Consell, member of the CEEB's Ethics Committee and teacher for 42 years.
She has provided sports base technical training courses in primary and secondary schools on Curriculum Design in the framework of the Reforma de l'Ensenyament. She also has been part of methodological perspectives on learning processes, the Educational Project on classroom programming, marginalization prevention and school coexistence management, the Família, Escola, Acció Compartida Program. Moreover, Vergé has been involved in pedagogical options of the Reforma educativa, a progressive integration of competences in the educational field, some courses on cooperative learning and has participated in the Jornades Internacionals de l'Esport Escolar (Barcelona).